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Louisville Kentucky
March 27" 1871

Maj. Genl. O.O. Howard
Comr Bureau R.F. & A.L.


[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]

It is somewhat strange that after a claim has been for a long time paid by the second auditor, one cannot get information of the whereabouts of the money due the claimant.  I allude to the claim of Rachel Grasper the amount of it is $380.59 I am not the attorney in the case but she has employed me - or rather asked me - to write, and find out for her where the money is.  I have written to Genl. Runkle, Genl. Balloch, Lt. Dolan & others - but have no definite information as yet.  I know the money was here once - but it is not