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SPEAKING IN TONGUES.-This Society speaks with tongues.  Its Missionaries preach the gospel in eleven different languages.  Home Mission help Foreign Missions.  Success on this continent means victory on the other continents.  "The field is the world."  The work is one.

THE RIGHT ROUTE to the conquest of Africa for Christ, is through our Seminaries for training colored Baptist preachers in the South.  Our beloved Missionary Union need thoroughly trained colored missionaries who can endure the African climate.  Numbers in our schools desire to go to Africa.  We have seven schools in seven Southern states for training colored pastors and missionaries.  These schools embrace properties worth $100,000. and are paid for!  But our very prosperity embarrasses us.  We greatly need funds to keep these schools in operation.  Help!  help!!

METHODS OF HELPING.-$50 will support a student for the school year.  An individual, or a Church, or a Sabbath School, or a Bible class, or a sewing circle, can send $10 a month for five months.  If we had 5,000 fifties we could have 5,000 students.  $1,000 given to the Society, to be kept at Interest, will support a student perpetually.  $10,000 will endow a teachership.  $20,000 will found a School.

A PROMISING STUDENT from our school in Richmond, Va., received a prize of $25 for passing the best examination upon entering the Freshman Class of a Northern University.  He was born a slave.

For the work in the South half of the Continent, Address,
Rev. James B. Simmons, Cor. Sec.

Room 12, No. 39 Park Row,
New York, March 31st 1871

Maj. Gen. O.O. Howard

Honored and Dear Sir:

Rev. H. M. Tupper the valiant Soldier Missionary teacher at Raleigh N.C. writes me that he is urgent for the balance of $3000. due in his work of putting up School buildings.

Since the vouchers have been long in, can you not forward the $3000. and so cheer a brave and industrious worker?  New Orleans vouchers will be in soon.

I expect to be in Phila over the Sabbath.  If you desire to see me, send letter tomorrow, or telegram Monday before 10a.m. to No. 530 Arch St. Philadelphia Pa.  If I do not hear from you I expect to return to N.Y. by the mid-day train.

Yours truly for Christ and his poor
James B. Simmons

[[left margin]]For plans and stirring facts, see the other side of this sheet.[[/left margin]]