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God makes us to hear the pleading voices of four millions in the South, and the uncounted millions of Africa beyond, who need, above all things, a well-trained ministry of their own race to guide them heavenward. Hence the Home Mission Society determined at its late Anniversary.

FIRST, to attempt the founding and endowing of one first-class training-school for preachers and pious teachers in each Southern State.

SECOND, to enter upon the raising of a permanent fund of $500,000 for this purpose, to be expended in grounds, buildings, endowments of teacherships and scholarships, and in the purchase of libraries and apparatus——the endowment fund to be kept separate from the moneys raised for the ordinary running expenses of the schools, and carefully invested, the interest only to be used.

THIRD, to employ all proper means to attach the hearts of the colored people to these schools as rapidly as possible——assuring them in each State that the schools is theirs, that they should assist in its management, send to it their pious youth and adults who desire to preach or teach, and contribute to its support.

At least $100,000 of the $500,000 named are already secured and invested in valuable school properties in the Southern States.

Another denomination, that, before the war, had scarce a church among the colored people of the South, is asking for half a million for this freedmen's work in one year! How modest then is our request.

FIFTY DOLLARS supplies plain food for one colored student for one year. If we had 5,000 fifties, we could easily have five thousand students. The interest of $1,000 supports one student perpetually. A Church, a Sabbath School, a Bible Class, or an individual can easily raise $50. Let alms and prayers go together. Inasmuch as ye do it unto one of the least of these, ye do it to Jesus. You would not deny Jesus were He here.

Drafts should be made payable simply to the order of the AMERICAN BAPTIST HOME MISSION SOCIETY.

JAMES B. SIMMONS, Cor. Secretary,
Room 12, No. 39 Park Row, New York City.

Be sure to write "For Freedman's Fund." If not, it goes to the general work of the Society.

[[stamp]] BUREAU R. F. & A. L. WASHINGTON. RECD APR 17 1871  [[/stamp]]

Form of Bequest.

If you would help these poor friends of Christ after you reach heaven, say in your will:

"I give and bequeath to the American Baptist Home Mission Society [[50?]] dollars for the Freedman's fund of said Society."

Three witnesses should state "We witness to this instrument, consisting of one sheet [or two], as the last will and testament of ——————, by his [or her] request, in his [or her] presence, and in presence of each other."


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