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Now if you forse us out no other person will supply these people as we are dooing we don't want the House for a denominational school we want it for all on the same footing  I am the President Elder of the ME Churhes Mr Webster is a Methodist Mr ell is a Presbytirian from the North a good man Now General for the good of the Freedman let us have the House as the Trustees wishes us to be on with the school if you cannot  Please send an order to the Trustees to sell the House to the Highest bidder and [[strikethrough]]for their in[[/strikethrough]] This will settle all fussing as is is claimed by the Methodists and rightly belongs to them but I as ther representive give up all claim to you to sell it  The Baptists and other claim it This will settle all sell it and do what you please with the money  please let me hear from you immediately what you will do  Direct your letter 
Thomas T. Geach Lavernia
Wilson County Texas