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Raleigh N.C. 1st May 1871

Col E. Whittlesey
A.A.A. General
Washington City

Your letter of 28th March addressed to Bishop Atkinson and by him forwarded to me was received yesterday. On it you remark "Gen Howard is under no obligation to Mr B. but to you." meaning the Bishop. I desire to remark that "Mr B." (whether L.W.B. or myself is referred to) never considered Gen Howard as under any "obligation" to him, but he did think, and had a right to think, that he might expect ordinary fair dealing from Genl Howard and the Bureau. He had a right to think and did think that General Howard and the Bureau would not authorize and instruct their agent to purchase property which they could not or would not pay for, that they would not authorize and direct the purchase of a house and lot, and then decline to pay for the house & lot that was purchased unless the party would swear to our account for labor and lumber & material that was not furnished. He had a right to think that Gen Howard and the Bureau would not exceed their authority