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[[3 newspaper clippings]


The policy of the Government land grants originated with the franchise of the Illinois Central Railroad Grant; no restrictions were at first imposed and great evil as well as good resulted.

The form of the later grants with the restrictions and limitations that experience has pointed out, will work more benefit with less injury. The policy of land grants has been [[stamp]] THE NATIONAL ARVHICES OF THE UNITED STATES [[/stamp]] from the beginning a Republican policy. We avow it and stand by it. It should be hedged with wise restrictions, its evils curbed, its wrongs corrected, and its defects remedied, then we claim the immense resultant benefits, and assert that beyond compare they outweigh and obliterate all the disadvantages. Senator Howe, with admirable clearness, state the whole question. The man who, owning a large tract of unsettled land, will not give one-half of it to secure the construction of a railroad through it, ought to have a conservator put over him, and would have it done by the vote of any sensible men who had the power. What is wisdom for the individual is wisdom for the nation. The evils resulting from land grants are trivial compared with the unmeasurable benefits conferred by the construction of the roads themselves.

How to Build a Railroad
Henry George, of San Francisco, in a pamphlet entitled "The Subsidy Question and the Democratic Party," tells how the Los Angeles and San Pedro Railroad was built:
In November, 1867, thirteen citizens of Los Angeles associated themselves to build an eighteen mile railroad from Los Angeles to the Bay of San Pedro, under the title of the "Los Angeles and San Pedro Railroad Company."
The capital stock was fixed at $500,000, each of the original thirteen subscribing $2500. It does not seem that any of these [[stamp]] THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE UNITED STATES [[/stamp]] stockholders paid in a single cent, though some of them advanced a little money for printing, advertising and lobbying at Sacramento, etc.
They procured the passage of a bill authorizing the city of Los Angeles to subscribe $75,000 to their stock, and the county of Los Angeles to subscribe $150,000. Both city and county voted to subscribe, for it was proved to the people very clearly by the advocates of the road, not only that it would cause a great increase of taxable property ,and all that sort of thing, but that they would not be called upon to pay the interest on the bonds, as the road could not fail to pay, and the road could not fail to pay, and the dividends accruing on the stock of the city and county were to be paid into a fund to meet the interest on the bonds.
Not one cent had been paid by the managers, but their first act was to divide among themselves $14,500, as recompense for the money they claimed to have

particle of the same. As for ourselves, we have for a long time entertained the opinion that Johnny Hand was an unmitigated ass--an opinion resolved into absolute certainty since reading the above.

We understand that our article in yesterday's paper upon the devil and the Democrats, has thrown Satan's dominions into an uproar. His subjects refuse to serve under him any longer, and call for a provisional government, with a view of reconstructing upon a Radical basis. Upon the other hand, we are told the Democrats chuckle over and feel themselves highly complimented.