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Grading &c
The entire premises shall be graded with river sand with a fall to the street on either side to drain the water to the same. 
The Banquette shall be pared where necessary, and a walk 3 feet wide on each side from the stairs to the privies and around the same, also at the rear a walk 5 feet wide, all done with the best lake bricks and river sand. 

All the woodwork throughout that is usually painted, except the partitions in the Basement, three good coats of the  best quality of White Lead in Linseed Oil put on in the best manner in tints to suit the American Missionary Association. 
The walls of the classrooms shall be painted in the most approved manner for black boards. 

White Washing.
All the work in the Basement shall have two good coats of fresh lime whitewash. 

Gas Pipes. 
Gas pipes shall be introduced throughout the entire building, where necessary to light the rooms properly. 

The contractor John Page will furnish and pay for all necessary labors and artisans. 
The several works in erecting the building & furnishing the same shall proceed with all reasonable and proper dispatch in the several parts consistently with due and proper execution thereof.
All the work shall be done agreeable to the true interest and meaning of the specification and the plane in the most approved, substantial, and workmanlike manner to the satisfaction