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Treasury Department.
First Comptroller's Office
Washington July 13, 1871

By the provisions of the 5th, 6th and 7th sections of the act of July 12th, 1870, it is declared to be unlawful to expend in any one fiscal year, any sum in excess of appropriations made by Congress for that fiscal year, and unexpended balance are required to be carried to the surplus fund.
To carry into effect these provisions of law, annual settlements of your accounts for compensation and disbursements must be made. 
The account to the 30th ultimo should embrace all compensation earned and all expenses incurred up to and including that date, so that no changes for services performed or articles purchased prior to the 1st instant shall appear in subsequent accounts. If you have already forwarded your account to the base of the fiscal year ending 30th ultimo, and any bills incurred during that year are still outstanding.