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Bureau Refugees Freedman and Abandoned Lands,
Office Disbursing Agent of Claims,
Nashville, Tenn. July 29 1871.

Wm. P Drew Esq.
Chief Claim Divis. Bureau R.F. & A.L. 
Washington D.C. 

I have the honor to deliver herewith communication &c. relative to case of Samuel Terrell, late of Co. "C" 13 U.S.C.I. together with affidavit of D. W. Glassie Agt. called for.

I would respect. call your attention to communication from this office of April, 4th 1870, wherein this case is reported, in connection with others of the same class.

Mr. Glassie has been proceeded against legally in one or two of these cases, but as yet no decision has been rendered. It is one of political hardships of the Bureau Service, that we are blamed for every act of claim agents, even prior to the eradication of the Bureau at all.

J B Coons