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Lowell, Garrard Co. KY
Oct. 2nd 1871.

To the Freedman's Bureau
at Louisville KY

Dr Sirs
We the undersigned trustees of the colored school house near Lowell, have had given to us one half acre of land and have a bond for a deed.  We have now built upon the lot a school house 36 x 20, have it boxed up, but without weather boarding, ceiling chimney, desks, benches and stove.  We have spent in its construction, about $300.00 and need, very badly, assistance to complete it.  If you ever expect or even will, help us any, now is the time, as we are very anxious to have it completed and start a school. 

Please send us help as soon as you can, or write and let us know, write any way - to either of us at Lowell Ky. 
Pleasant G Moret
Newton Woods
Granville Sackey
William Miller
B Ferrell

Write to Pleas. Moret