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Fayetteville N C
Oct 5th 1871

Genl O O Howard
Chief of Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c.
Washington D.C.

I have your letter of 30th ult with blanks and sample vouchers showing what is required to obtain payment for the school house at this place for Freedman. Unfortunately the voucher which you have filled up contains the same obstacles to any of us which it did to Mr Batchelor. 

We can not certify that the building was "erected....for the education of Refugees & Freedman" nor can we certify that the "work was done between Aug 1 & Oct 20th 1870", Though we can without hesitation certify that the materials contained in the building & the work required for its erection, were of much greater value than the estimate stated by you.  I enclose one of the Blanks worded in a way which I think we would be justified in swearing to.