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Nelson R. Scovel, Cashier.
Beaufort Branch
National Savings and Trust Company,
Banking House Bay Street,
Beaufort, S.C., — 187—
private school and the schools for colored children are too full to admit more. The State School Fund is exhausted in establishing the present schools and now aid is asked to carry on one more for the present term. I really think more good can be done in this way, than in any other, with the Bureau Fund and I propose with your consent to appoint Mr R M. Fuller who taught for the Bureau last year Teacher and Principal of this First Free School at $100 per month for the Term of 8 months and a lady assistant at $40 per month for the same school Term. Mr Fuller is a first class Teacher fully competent for the Highest English branches and to teach the "Classics", Greek and Latin. — To establish this Free School I've been offered by the Trustees of the fine large College building (a private association) its free use for the present school term. It is the same building the Bureau paid $400 rent for a few years ago. — the State promises to furnish free all the Books &c needed. — Trusting to receive your approval I remain
Yours Very Respectfully
Nelson R Scovel.