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Confederacy. Genl wild wished to pay some negro guide for services rendered [[strikethrough]] performed [[/strikethrough]], and he proposed to pay them out of the jewelry. I objected and told him that he must not do so, as it was then government property and he had no right to appropriate any part of it for any purpose. He argued [[strikethrough]] argued [[/strikethrough]] the matter. I became disgusted and left him. He afterwards thought best not to pay out the jewelry to the negroes, but he paid them $75 out of his pocket, and then took for his own use enough of the jewelry to pay him for the $75 so paid out.

The day before I arrived in Washington Genl Wild turned Mrs Toombes out of her house - called it abandoned property, and then [[strikethrough]] took [[/strikethrough]] took possession of it. Steadman, of course, reinstated her.