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AE   H.

Treasury Department.
August 24th 1865.

I transmit herewith, a communication from the Hon. C.F. Adams U.S. Minister to England, dated London, August 11th 1865, covering an Invoice of goods (value £454.15s.7d) donated by the Midland Freedmans Aid Association of Birmingham, for the relief of the Freedmen of the United States.

Upon your certifying that the articles therein mentioned, are for the use of the United States, the necessary instructions will be given to the Collector to admit them to entry free of duty.

I am, Very Respectfully
H McCulloch
Secretary of the Treasury

Hon. E.M. Stanton
Secretary of War

Transcription Notes:
The signature is pretty smeared, but Hugh McCulloch was Secretary of the Treasury at the time this letter was dated and I think I can convince myself the smears are "H McCulloch". yes, this is his signature