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of his duty as Superintendent, and wilful and studied neglect of the Freedmen under his charge.

Charge 2nd A system of fraud practised throughout his Department in the sale of goods and merchandise to the freed people, by which a large per cent of the profits on sales passed to his own credit. It was understood that the goods were sold from the freedmens stores, & to the freedmen only, at an advance of from 10 to 15 per cent on the cost price and actual expenses for freightage, but that instead of being sold at such per cent advance, they were disposed of to any and all parties who would purchase, charging therefor the most exorbitant rates — from 85 to 100 per cent.

Charge 3d Being a partner in the firm of Eaton; Backhus and Company of Toledo, Ohio.

Charge 4th Omitting and neglecting to pay freedmen employed in wood yards in operation throughout the Department — or paying them but a small portion of their just wages — or compelling them to take their pay in goods from Freedmens stores charging them an enormous advance. In short, obtaining the greatest possible amount of work from the employees and depriving them almost entirely of their pay.

Charge 5th Neglecting to pay Surgeons, Nurses and hospital attendants, and omitting to furnish proper quarters, medicines and hospital supplies by which neglect great suffering was forced upon the freedmen.

Charge 6th A system of fraud practised and