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Freedmens Fund Cr.

Total receipts from sale of Freedmens Goods  46.781 57
Total receipts from sale of Freedmens Wood  7.248 32
Total receipts from sale of Freedmens Cotton  45.486 13  $101.516 02

By the foregoing statement it will be seen, that merchandise to the mount of seventy nine thousand, eight hundred and forty nine dollars and sixty one cents ($79.849.61) has been purchased for freedmen since Sep't 1864. The goods were not paid for at time of purchase as has been heretofore stated. Returns have been made for goods sold to the amount of 48.781.57; goods were paid to freedmen for labor on home farms; given away to those unable to buy; turned over to colored orphans Asylum at Helena and other points amounting to $15.882.85 - * making the total paid for donated and remaining on hand $79.849.61

Previous to Sep't 1864 each District Superintendent of Freedmen ordered such goods as he required for the people under his supervision through Lieut. Dick then stationed at Cairo, Ills. as Sup't of Freedmen and Agent for the purchase and shipment of Freedmens supplies.


Hospital Department, seven thousand eight hundred and fifty nine dollars and twelve cents ($7859.12). This amount has been paid to Hospital Stewards and for the purchase of Medicines for Freedmens Hospitals.

Farming implements. One thousand seven hundred and twelve dollars & forty cents ($1.712.40) being amount 

[[left margin]] * As will be seen by reference to the reports of the Superintendents throughout the Department, There was remaining JUne 30, 1865 in the hands of the Superintendents at Little Rock & Pine Bluff merchandise to the amount of $15.185.19 [[/left margin]]