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7 potatoes and 4 acres beans. This is exclusive of the gardens of the people, of which each family has one where they raise sweet potatoes, melons and such other vegetables as they choose

There are 534 people reported on the three farms; 121 men, 210 women, and 203 children under fourteen years of age. These are again divided into two classes - laborers and dependents. The first includes 116 men and 121 women who are self-supporting; the last, 5 men, 89 women and 203 children who are not wholly so.

In addition to the regular farming operations over 1000 cords of wood have been cut; piles cut and [[strikethrough]] drawn [[/strikethrough]] hauled, and wharves built at the two landing places; buildings repaired, fences built, &c. A saw and grist mill at the Sand Gates farm will supply every need in that direction as soon as repairs now under way are completed.