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War Department
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands.
Washington, Sept. 12th, 1865

Colonel John Eaton Jr.
Asst. Comr. B.R.F.& A.L.
Washington, D.C.

I have the honor to report the following result of my observations, in accordance with Special Orders No. 8 Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, &c. Hd. Qu. Asst. Comr. dated Sept 7, 1865.

I proceeded first to Baltimore, for the purpose of inspecting the transactions of Mr. Oliver Wood, known to you as having been employed in procuring situations for freed Labours. From his book, it appears that within about three months nearly 900 colored labours have found situations through his agency. Many of this number came from Richmond, and Washington, Mr. Wood having runners in both those cities. It is claimed that the agents commission ($5.00) for each hand is paid by the employer, and in no case deducted from the wages of the employees - while a stoppage is made against the labour for transportation expenses.