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There has been no complaint so far, but that the employers have faithfully carried out the agreement, & so of the labours. Mr. Wood complains of some sharpers not only interfering with his legitimate business, but defrauding the negroes, and there is reason to believe the complaints just. The name and deception of some of these swindlers are in my possession. 

Leaving Baltimore, I went directly to Harpers Ferry Va. Several complaints had been made which I took pains to investigate. The facts leave no room to doubt that great injustice has been committed upon the Freedmen and that the parties committing wrongs have not, so far, been punished. On the night of the 2" inst. the premises of a colored man who kept an eating house, was broken open, the stock destroyed, windows smashed, money taken, & the proprietor obliged to fly to save his life. 

I visited the place, the man is entirely ruined, as all his capital was invested in the property destroyed. If he had the means to buy, he dare not offer anything for sale, while the parties who attacked him before, go at large unpunished, and threaten as now, to repeat the outrage.   

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