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would have fallen upon them: They desisted thinking that what they had done would not be noticed.

After being beaten in this manner Craig was arrested upon the instigation of Henry Burch and committed to jail by Frederick Dent, the magistrate who was one of the assaulting party, for the reason that he had attempted to defend himself after they had begun the attack upon him.

We pray that these men may be brought to account for their crime and punished, otherwise we shall feel that in such a community our lives and property will at no time be secure.

Very respectfully, Your Obt. Serv't.
(Signed) by Danl J Thomas
Geo Wilkerson his X mark
Marshall Wilkerson his X mark
and John Henry Craig his X mark

A few moments before the above mentioned assault upon Isaac Craig, Osie Padgett, Elias Padgett, and John Moran, fell upon and badly beat Marshall Wilkerson, for the sole reason that he expressed himself a union man. Said Wilkerson was a soldier in the 1st Maryland Veteran Infantry, U.S. Army, and was honorably discharged in June 1865.

(Signed) Danl. J Thomas
(Signed) Geo Wilkerson his X mark
(Signed) Jno Henry Craig his X mark

Washington D.C. Aug. 19th 1865.
Marshall Wilkerson the above mentioned returned soldier exhibited to me the wounds received as stated above - all of which are of a bad kind, being mostly about the head.
(Signed) W.F. Spurgin
Capt. and Supt. Refugees, Freedmen &
Washington and Georgetown D.C.

A true copy,
S.N. Clark
Lt. and A.A.A. Genl.