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M Verlin Beverly, of Calvert Co Md, being duly sworn says:

That on the 29th of July ult, at the village of Port Republic in the said Co., at the store of Sterling Smith, he was set upon and seriously injured by one John Bond Jr. of Battle Creek Md but late of the Confederate Army, who without just cause struck deponent in the face with a club, disfiguring the same very much and putting deponent to much inconvenience.
The attack as above stated was witnessed by about a dozen persons who will substantiate the truth of deponents statement: but deponent believes that no justice can be obtained at the hands of the civil authorities near him, and makes this statement before a Military officer to the end that the party above named shall be punished for the offence above described.

(Signed) M V. Beverly.

Sworn before me this 10th day of August, 1865.
(Signed) Edward F. O'Brien
1 Lt. V.R.C. & Supt. Govt Farms.

Witnesses to the above assault - White Denton, Sterling Smith, Thomas Dorsey and Wm Smith.

A true Copy.
S.N. Clark
1 Lieut. & A.A.A. Genl.