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County of Calvert. }
State of Md. } s.s.

Isaac Boom of Calvert County, Md. being duly sworn, says:

That on the 9" inst. at about 8" O'clock in the evening at his residence in said County, he was called upon by one Calvin Robinson also of said County, who without just cause or provocation, threatened the life of deponent, and attempted to take the same by throwing a large stick of wood, which if it had struck, would have seriously injured deponent.

Deponent further says that said Robinson after throwing said stick of wood at deponent uttered the words "I wished I had my gun, and I would shoot him," and then sent his colored servant, one Elijah Gross for the same.

Deponent says that thro' fear of the said Robinson fulfilling said threat deponent left his residence in said Co. and has not yet returned there.

For a witness to the above, deponent names Mr. John Hutchins, who was present.

(Signed) Isaac Boom

Sworn to before me this
18th day of August 1865.
(Signed) Edward F. O'Brien
1 Lt. V.R.C. and Supt. Govt Farms.

A true Copy
S.N. Clark
1 Lieut. and A.A.A. Genl.