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Should estimate it from 16 to 18. hundred in county & about ½ the number in this place they have been changing as much it is difficult to estimate their numbers - When we had a regiment of Cold Troops stationed here a few weeks since there were probably some 2500 in town but not finding employment, they have returned many to their masters & some fearing they would again be enslaved have gone to other states - They are being more reconciled & all seem industrious & seemingly worthy citizens, this country needs their labor & my advice to them all is to be at work for their old masters if worthy & if not find others, a pretty good feeling exists at present with all concerned - The feeling of this community are not favorable to educating them that is & always has been the feeling with shareholders & this county is considered one of the worst in the state in sympathy with the late rebellion - I should think a school might be organized with 200 pupils from the present feeling & enthusiasm among them  You perhaps could judge from the No as correctly as myself but all seem anxious there should be school started - There is now quite an extensive revival of religion among them & they are holding meetings every evening - Any further information you are at liberty at any time to make - Hoping you will succeed in this great enterprise I am sincerely with you in feeling & sympathy for the oppressed, resptly yr obt svt  A.D. Daugherty