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[ED. FORM, No. 4.]
For the Month of Jan 1867.

A School under the distinct control of one Teacher, or a teacher with one assistant, is to be reported as one School.
To be forwarded as soon as possible after the 1st of each month.

Number of Day-Schools 1
Number of Night-Schools 1
Location, or the Name of School Franklin
When opened Nov. 25
Societies &c., Patrons M.E.F.A.
Number of Schools sustained by freedmen 1
Number of Schools sustained in part by freedmen 1
Number of teachers transported by Bureau 0
Number of School buildings owned by freedmen 1
Number of School buildings furnished by Bureau 0
Whole number of teachers 1  White 0  Colored  1
Whole number of pupils enrolled 63 Male 30  Female 33
Number of pupils enrolled last report 50
Number left school this month 0
Number of new scholars this month 13
Average attendance 40
Number of pupils paying tuition 25
Number of White pupils 0
Number always present 40
Number always punctual 40
Number over 16 years of age 2
Number in Alphabet 6
Number who spell and read easy lessons 15
Number of advanced readers 42
Number in geography 13
Number in arithmetic 8
Number in higher branches 8
Number in writing 8
Number on needlework 0
Number free before the war 3
Number of Sabbath Schools 1
Number of pupils in Sabbath Schools 50

(To these questions give exact, or approximate answers. )
1. How many of above Schools are graded? How many grades?  
2. How many Day or Night Schools, within your knowledge, not reported above? Number of pupils (estimated) in such Schools?  
3. How many Teachers in the above Day or Night Schools? White, Colored,  
4. How many Sabbath-Schools, within your knowledge, and not reported above? Number of pupils (estimated) in such Schools?  
5. How many teachers in the above Sabbath Schools? White,   Colored,  
6. How many Industrial Schools? Whole number of pupils in all? State the kind of work done,  
7. Whole amount of tuition paid by the Freedmen during the month,  $25
8. Whole amount of cost of transportation furnished by the Bureau for the month,  
9. Grand total of expense per month for support of above schools by all parties $40-
10. Whole number of High or Normal Schools, How many pupils in all?  
11. Remarks

This report is incomplete unless each blank is filled by a number, or cypher.

Transcription Notes:
Some questions transcribed incorrectly: Ex. "Location, and Name of School," not "Location, or the Name of School" Ex. "Number of teachers transported by Bureau," not "Number of teachers transported by freedmen" Doublecheck for "cut and paste" errors on all pages.