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Some fourteen years ago, Dr. Charles E. Rush wrote certain instructions which he desired to be carried out at the event of his death.  Included in these was the suggestion that family and friends might, if they so desired, gather in some convenient Church for a simple memorial service of Bible readings and hymns.

In the concluding paragraph of this statement, Dr. Rush wrote as follows:  "To pass quietly in death with the least amount of sadness and disturbance for others is our chief desire.  It is an experience common to all, and we neither dread it nor feel concerned in preparing these simple directions.  After all, our life together has been exceedingly good and it has been cast in pleasant places, filled with precious friendships and interesting activities.  We, therefore, look forward with bright anticipation to new experiences."

It is fitting, therefore, and in accordance with the expressed wishes of Dr. Rush, that this service would be one of praise and thanksgiving to God.  It is in full accord with the Christian Faith, to which he earnestly adhered, that we should at this time celebrate the goodness of God, who in Jesus Christ delivers us from sin and death, and brings us into Eternal Life.