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1948 - Preparation of units of Kodachrome Slides on 
Colonial Architecture & Contemporary Art in the Dominican Republic - accompanied by texts. 

1949-1950 - July 1, 1949 - Aug. 30, 1950.
Co-ordinator, Latin American Slide Project for the Dept. of State in cooperation with the Metropolitan Museum of Art. A special project to organize, edit and document the collection of Kodachrome Slides resulting from the earlier assignment from the Dept. of State, to photograph and lecture in South America (1945-6); to consult with authorities in the specific fields of Latin-American studies included in this collection and prepare texts for the 50 units represented in the final master file. 

1951 - Feb, -August. Exchange Specialist. 
Dept. of State Division of International Exchange of Persons & Division of Institutes & Libraries; to return to Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia & Brazil; lecture at Bi-National Cultural Institutes in each country; to present in the name of Dept. of State of the U.S.A., at official bi-national ceremonies, a collection of duplicate Kodachrome Slides of each country, prepared during the above project. 

{1948 - Recent Publications
{1951 Bulletin of the Pan-American Union --- November 1947
1951 Bulletin of the Pan-American Union ---- January, 1948
School Arts Magazine ----------------------- April, 1948
The Pan American Magazine ------------------ April, 1949
The Pan American Magazine ------------------ October, 1949
Photographs in "Introduction to Haiti" (Pan Amer. Union - 1951)
Photographs in "Brazil; Portrait of Half a Continent" - Marchant & Smith, Dryden Press,New York - 1951

Recent Lectures - 1949-50-51
     (The Cleveland Museum of Fine Arts
     (The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.
U.S.A(The National Gallery, Washington, D.C.   
     (Pan American Union, Washington D.C.     (Mexico City; Quito, Ecuador; Lima, Peru,
So.Amer. - Bi-National Cultural Institutes----(Rio, Sao Paula, Porto Alegre, Salvador,
UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 1954                      (Bahia, Recife, Fortleza; Belem; Museum
                                              (of Art, Sao Paula; Museum of Modern Art,
                                              (Sao Paula, Brazil.)


Annual Chicago and Vicinity Exhibitions at Art Institute 1934, 1935, 1936, 1938, 1942. 

Annual International Water Color Exhibitions at Art Institute of Chicago, 1933,1937,1939.

Annual Mid-Western Exhibitions, Kansas City Art Institute, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938.

Annual Water Color Exhibition, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1936, 1937, 1939.

Annual Exhibit of Oil Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1937.

Chicago Women's Salon, 1938, 1939, 1942.

Chicago Society of Artists Exhibitions 1934, 19355, 1936, 1937, 1939, 1940, 1941.  

Chicago Society of Artists Exhibitions, New York Exhibitions, Delphic Studio 1935, Riverside Museum, New York City, 1939, 1941.

Chicago College Club 1941.
Chicago Artists Calendar - 1937,1939,1940,1941,1942,1943. 
Findlay Galleries, Chicago, 1942. 
Third Annual Exhibition, North Mississippi Valley Artists, Illinois State Museum, 
Springfield, 1942. 
One man show, Biblioteca Benjamin Franklin, Mexico City, 1942 
Exhibit - "The Women" - David Porter Gallery, Washington, D.C. - 1945