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Oryceba- It's more like Beloxi- Oryceba is a city and quite noisy -Gosh-I wish some one would teach these Mexicans how to run a car- They leave the exhausts open - lean on the horn constantly and race their engines before shifting gears until even I am ready to do something about it- and do those gears schreech!(sp?)-I've decided to go to Fortin reduction or no- for at least two weeks- Ill make it up later, somehow (where have I heard that before) -
           It seems there is a hotel association now and prices of the better hotels all over Mexico seem to have been fixed at a minimum of 18 peso's a day - I noticed it for Tasco and Acupulco + several other places - Of course where the towns are larger it's possible to find less expensive places I am sure - I am not paying that much here -  it comes to about 12 peso's per day at the weekly rate--
I had a thrilling experience in Fortin--really now that I came to

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Looks Good.