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asking him to reconsider & with a
note at the bottom of letter than
we were sending a copy of it to
Washington. All the mural painters
we could get at that short notice signed
it - 27 in all. We got that off last
nite. Thorp is out of town + won't
get it till sunday. Then I went
to the Institute yesterday afternoon
& talk to Kelley about it. He said
he would do everything he could
then I talked to Norman Rice
+ he offered to help in any way
he could. Both said they were going
to talk to Dan Rick about it.
They say he has more influence
with Thorp than anyone they know.
This Bob White comes from Iowa +
a Grant Wood painter. (if you know
what I mean.) Pollock & Lucile
Ward got signatures for our letter
yesterday of mural painters. Then
stopped at County Hospital & talked