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go and what I want to do - There are lots of colds & flu I'm told in Mex. city - same here too - so I'll be glad to be in Fortin where its warm - Its really quite cold here - except from 10 to about 4 -

Dearest - this K. business - I don't understand it, I never will, and I'm going to try and forget she ever lived - its not easy, but I am trying - Some day that score will even up - I know - but there's nothing to do but wait. I will not write her unless she writes me - tho I do send an occasional post card to her mother - I'm busy painting and I really think with half a chance I might be pretty good. There's so much here I'd like to try to paint - which is one reason I'm not in a hurry to get to Mex. City - Cause there'll be no painting there - and I'm just getting interested. I'm anxious to go to Oacoa + the ruins - spend about one week or two there - I'm planning to be in