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The nights are gorgeous - I never saw so many stars and the moon is so brilliant - If I don't rest here I'll never rest any place - The only thing that worries me again is the price. It's 15 pesos each day plus tips and extras - [[?]] if that it costs me more in Mexico City - 

I sketched yesterday. It was [[?]]. I can't seem to get any painting done- but perhaps if I keep at it long enough I will. I just don't seem to be able to get really started.

Yesterday I visited the museum here. You wouldn't expect to find much and yet I saw stuff that put the field museum to shame and a job of installation that makes even the Museum of Modern Art look it its [[?]]. There is so much art in everything these people touch.

The mail should here in a little while. I'm hoping for a letter from you. While I write there is a steady steam of Indians taking their wares to town. It's at lease a mile from the latke to the town yet they [[?]] these huge loads and seem to think nothing of it-