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Dear Hedda,

No mail from you yet.  Hope to get it in a few days.  I sent you today two parcels with a few wooden toys, a ceramic, 2 embroidered scrolls.  I'll send by next week another one with more stuff.

Here is quiet and cool and I take it easy I made about a dozen drawings and I'll send them to the old New Yorker soon.  Very special drawings I made, rather different from my usual.  I act like a photographer and sketch what I see.  I'm almost no more shy about people watching.  I sit down and sketch with thousands of people around looking behind the shoulder.  It works.  I hope you'll see them printed but I'll send you anyway a few special for you when I'll be in a mood to make something for a good girl like you  By the way, when you write me put in the envelope (together with the letter) 3-4 razor blades if possible  Gilette, red package.  Do it now and then, it's permitted and