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Print the complete address in plain block letters in the panel below, and your return address in the space provided. Use typewriter, dark ink, or pencil. Write plainly. Very small writing is not suitable.

S. Steinberg

To Hedda Stafford
410 E. 50th St.
New York N.Y-

From S Steinberg Ens (Sender's name)
OSS Detachment (Sender's address)
APO 777 (Date)

Dear Leda,
I didn't get any new mail from you I expect tomorrow to home. I've been going around the last few days but now I'm finaly stabilized in one place and I'll take it easy ans write you again with no hurry.
I expect to get unhappy in a few days, desgusted about the place & people. That happens to me always after a few days.
My address is changed again:

S. Steinberg Ens. USNR
OSS Detachm.
APO 777 

Love you and I'm really in a hurry. Write you more tomorrow