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Sunday, Terribly hot, now I'm in studio, night, trying to work, didn't do anything in daytime and slept afternoon At 8 went to movie, aircooled, saw Bob Hope silly but cool. Can't eat. Now 10 o'clock, I'll work till late because won't be able to sleep anyway. Received your Saraca etc. telegram, glad you arrived well in Paris.

I invited today for lunch Kameneltsky (remember him, guy who called Virgin Islands from Chinese Ratskeller) and his new wife, made eggs for them. He wants to write article on me for Corriere della Sera. 

I desire more and more life [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] in the country, want even to take care of garden, flowers. Pity Long Island etc. so crowded with people in same condition, reffuggee [[refugee]] from commerce & industry. Europe would be ideal but I don't want to become expatriate. Also need to make lots of money to keep standards, dependents etc. Reached only conclusion, the one my father wanted: to be caretaker large villa, secluded spot, be able to paint spare time (all day), talk to animals, etc. Suspect never be able as long as I have old vice of being in competition with everybody. I'm glad I have understood this thing about myself (not only me, practically everybody around, you are only happy exception I know, very great quality)