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and definitely this time. In your letter I received yesterday you say that you'll going to stay in your studio untill I'll be back, to receive me (and that's the thing I desire most) but after a while you'd like a large studio to make space for big pannels and what not. That means that you had the same idea and you wrote me that before knowing that I want you to be my wife and so I take it for an answer sure, we'll have a large studio and we'll have a special good time. We'll going to have a big studio and a large collection of everything, postal cards, stones, colored paper, woods, inks, books, frames, prints, colored fabric, chairs, colored glass, marbles and you better go ahead and start collecting stuff. I'm sending you now a couple of dozens of colored postal cards of 1926, and I'll send you more. Then I want to make for you dresses so that one day you'll be dressed like Mme Recamier and another day like Mme Bovary and like Leda, like Lya de Putty, like Hedda. We'll have a special small room or closet in which to keep special our stuff for you & me like letters or things that have a meaning for us only and we'll go ahead on making the magazine "The News" with your collaboration. And we'll have a mail box in that room where you or I we'll have the right to drop letters of complaints and suggestions. And we'll have a tradition of our own and celebrate every year the first Sunday of February and the 25th of April, the day I left you in which day we'll ask each other excuses for whatever bad we had comited during the year and all in the memory of how