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I want after the war to draw this sort of stories and others many more I saw and didn't have time or the censorship and other reasons didn't let me do it -  As part of a war book I told you about I have in mind -
It's amazing to see the drawings made by people who never in theyr life made drawings - My idea is that everybody should know how to make them because every child makes drawings - But the trouble is that growing up they want to make pictures looking like photographs with real proportion and perspective and that's wrong because it's science, trick - I just take a small group of sailors and tell them: take it easy, here's a sheet of paper and a pencil, don't worry about reality, make it wrong, make from memory a scene that impressed you and you remember well, make details and keep working for one hour.  They usually make theyr home, hometown, family - They make excellent things and new beautiful compositions - I make that for fun but I have in mind after the war to pick up people and give them paper pencil colors and being my guests for a week or so with the obligation to work a few hours a day for me turning out art work -
Love you a lot and I have to hurry