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April 24 1944

Dear Hedda, The mail service here is sure screwy - I received yesterday one letter dated March 30 - 24 days are too much for a letter to travel - I guess all the mail is being delayed this time of the year because of coming atractions (and I hope they do it soon and get rid of this war)

This letter of yours is short and scared because you have no news from me - You don't have to be that way, everything here is all right now - For a while I won't be able to write you but you don't have to worry too much - And don't be like a jukebox - no nickel - no song - I mean if you don't receive letters from me you don't write me - Be a good girl and write me often, it's about the only good thing I have around - mail from you - It's not that I need mail for social reasons or fun or my homesickness but just because mail from you means that you think of me, that you remember me and that you still love me.
And don't be absurde again. The story of you feeling