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May 25 1944

Dear Hedda 

Dear, I arrived alright here, back to N. Africa, I cannot say I like the place but I feel nearer to you and that makes me feel better in many ways. I was just talking about you with Gene Warner who's a boy in charge of some outfit and somehow my chief I'll tell you in a next letter what was about. 

I made a fairly good trip in a ship. I had a good cabin and of course I was thinking a lot of you and the "lost time". By lost time I mean the time I spent in New York before I knew you. For instance I took a trip to California just to see the West Coast (that was in January 1943) and what a pity you were not with me. Another time I went to Niagara Falls (with Nivola). Now  the view of the cabin aboard ship and the quiet sea and the half moon at night made me think entirely, all the time, at you and all the time lost and all the happy time we have ahead. 

I received many letters from you before I left. I even enjoyed your drawings, your plans for (vorba vine) sculptures of Leda groups. I'll help you a lot in these groups and we'll do lots of art work together. You a very nice girl and you have a very sound sense of humor of the brand I'm for.