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Dear sweet darling wife.

Today Wednesday I received 2 letters from you, I'm sorry you are sick darling (Doctor Hurd returns today or tomorrow and I'll cable you as soon as I get to talk to him). I'm glad you went to Riviera, it's going to do you good, stay in the sun (and eat well) and try to work well. I'm working well now and I feel well, I realy got excited about this work as I wasn't in months or years. Before I decide not to write you about it I'll do it because I feel like:  I start the panel with a group of [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] vehicles travelling fast in a compact group as they are when having waited for a traffic light. After that the panorama goes with very small houses and enormous billboards on top of them on which is writen "EAT". Then I go on with this trick: I draw an usual house, you know - the cute little [[strikethrough]] wil [[/strikethrough]] whitewashed board house with verandah and a man sitting on a rocking chair. I made about a dozen photostats of this house and pasted them in sequence, same house same man. (It represents the low middle class suburbs). It is interrupted by a A&P Supermarket and a classic temple (Bank) Then it continues [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] with more of the same house - Then I start the industrial area, enormous factories, thousands of cars (of workers) parked. Smoke staks, gasometers, railways etc. Then slums. I make bad and clumsy drawing in order to express the misery (otherwise they become cute) (I also made ink spots, left my fingerprins on the drawing and then stepped on it leaving imprints of rubber heels.  It all should come out as these drawings are reproduced photographicaly.)