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Subway, sweated, cursing, sneering at wedding parties (the way from subway stop to Unc. Harry was all a procession of nasty children dressed in organdis, ugly brides, drunken fathers in law, this is the season, June Weddings)
In the evening I went to the night movie: Bank Dick with W.C. Fields, had a very good time, laughed till it hurt, didn't laugh like this for years. 
Now I'm at home, still very hot and humid, I'm very happy I'm leaving New York. It worked so that if I couldn't see you very soon I'd cry. I never worked so much in my life, between the book and Detroit. I had forgotten that I can't work when I'm alone, I can work only when I'm with you. Indeed all the work I did in The last few years was done because I had the happiness etc, you understand, don't let me get emphatic, I'll see you soon and I'll probably bark again but you'll know that I do it for sport only. You remember how well I used to work in our first year, in '45, at home? I was really happy and you didn't know it. 
Goodnight dear, Soon.