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Friday 20 May 49

Dearest and loved rapig (the word rapig was spelled to me by Miss Elinor by phon, I was in the office when your telegram arrived and she phoned and I told her to read me the cable).  I'll answer the cable in a couple of hours (it's 7 o'clock now, I"m at home, I'll send you a night letter that'll come tomorrow morning anyway) I'll tell you that I plan to leave around the 15 of June, There's no ship possibility yet, for sure, only sort of half promises but if I won't find something [[strikethrough]] so [[/strikethrough]] by then, I'll fly.

Today I received 2 letters from you. (It's not right to write me something on Saturday, keep the letter unfinished then thru Sunday and add something Monday. Send me words from you as you write them) (Why didn't you write me about the diner you had with Reihek?) You had a terrible nightmare all night but you should worry about my part in it. I made up my mind in your absence that I'm forever attached to you adn all talk about betrayal, not enough love, divorce etc. was all nonsense yours or mine and it's time to stop it (althou my way is to bring things to a pitch as it is now when I'm in love wit you that looks to me like the only right one, (when it hurts),