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Takaezu - 1 - 37

kind of necessary, I felt. 

And I said sure, I would do that. And it worked out quite well, because when I started giving grades, students came to class more regularly. Because they had a test in another class, they didn't come to a class where they had no grade.

Q: So this counts the same as any other class?

Takaezu: Oh, yeah. Yes. For the last six, seven years. 

Q: You still teach at Princeton?

Takaezu: Yes.

Q: Both semesters?

Takaezu: Yes.

Q: And do you have assistants now?

Takaezu: I have four assistants. Working assistants. 

Q: And how many days a week do you go there?

Takaezu: I manage to put in one. Two classes all put in one. But students will have to come in three hours of their own