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5 Jan. 1979

Dear Toshiko.

Happy New Year.
Thank you for your airplane letter which I intended to answer right away but I did not do any Christmas mail until this week. Just before school was out a good former student appearred between jobs and said that he would like to take on my studio project so for the past three weeks that is what I've been involved in. I'm pleased with it and he did a much nicer job than I had thought. The inside is not finished and that will have to wait until I have some cash in hand again but I love it. He had worked for me before and is good. He has been living here and will work one more week. I thought it was now or never maybe. I like teaching and do not mind working at school but think I may get more done here summer it should be in first rate condition. I should have been working on an exhibit that I have next month but these little projects take a lot..sometimes it isso frustrating for you are sort of suspended...the weather, this and that. Sometimes you cannot take the bull by the horns even when you see and feel him. I try to be serene but it is hard.

Christmas was very pleasant. My family is all pretty well and prosperous and we get along rather nicely in spite of some of us being a bit eccentric and stubborn sometimes. Connie has a new house and likes it. Her child is lovely and gets lots of attention.

It is snowing here this morning and I like it for my class does not meet until afternoon so I can be leisurely and look out the window and indulge the dog a bit. I hate to admit it but there is a TV around now. Lewis Burton gave me one which I left in the closet for several months and when it did come out I was so pleased for it would not work. This was not the end of it for her came, took it to the shop, brought it back, plugged it in and here we are. I watched Hawaii 5-0 last night. There are some beautiful things on some of the time.

Had a nice long letter from Mary Buskirk at the holiday.

Classes are underway and not too big. Art classes seem to have fallen in enroolment this year even tho' the university enrollment is up a lot.

This typewriter is not writing a very good letter this morning so I'll let it stop and send one to Quakertown befoee long.

My regards to Miriam.

