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April 14  [1936]

Dear Mr. Barrie-                

Yours of April 5th to hand
[[strikethrough]] In it [[/strikethrough]] I have sent you a cablegram In it I tell you why I asked the price that Mr. Haverty gave me- Knowing you must have it on your books [[strikethrough]] the amount you sent [[/strikethrough]] I imagined it would give [[strikethrough]] no [[/strikethrough]]  little trouble to look it up [[strikethrough]] or little trouble - I have two [[/strikethrough] The idea of offering Mr. H three smaller picture - "A good Shepherd" a Flight into Egypt - both of them finished and a "Return from Crucifixion" about ½  finished but I am fairly sure I could finish in 2 months. After 30 years in same building I have been forced to give up my studio & am in [[strikethrough]] very [[/strikethrough]] small quarters [[strikethrough]] I have one picture kicking around. [[/strikethrough]] The devaluatin [[devaluation]] in France in 1926 wiped out a good part of my savings - and now our $ is reduced to 60 cents which is not felt as yet, but one dollar is 15 frs. insted of 25 frs. For all of last summer I was completely laid up & am now only able to work short hours in quet [[quiet]] & peace which is very hard to find. I suggest that you give one of my large pictures either Etaples Fisherfolk or Destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah to Mr. Haverty- If my life were to hang upon it could not make a large picture as you suggest, I have not the strength to do it. & certainly I never could have done it in the time suggested.