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start which was not bad. Very probably the best thing I had ever done. He encouraged me, but instead of working to make it better, I became afraid I should destroy what I had done & really did nothing the rest of the week. Well, he was disgusted "What have you been doing?" "Get it" "Get it better or get it worse. No middle ground of compromise."

I did all sorts of things. I purchased a goose from which I made a picture. I made a sheep picture. I became the owner of a sheep. Do you know anything about a lone solitary sheep? Well, I will tell you something - that while a flock of sheep is the personification of peace, docility and all that is quietude from my (unscientific) study I have come to the conclusion that one sheep has none of the qualities of a flock of sheep, no, not one, except it may be their stupidity. One sheep is not "sheepish" no, he is the most stubborn, balky, run away, befuddled animal you can imagine. I have had other animal to serve as models but, never an animal that furnished so many alarms by day & night, as that "peaceful" sheep. He was escaping from his stable (stable by [[strikethrough]] courtesy [[/strikethrough]] courtesy). Breaking his teather, trespassing in neighbors gardens & eating down the very things they prized the most, or The contrary of all