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[[Left margin note]] Rewrite w better (?) with less I. [[/Left margin note]] 
activity, refusing to be lead to be lead to pasture & causing a giggling crowd to collect as if by magic. To the question of those on the outside who could not see what was going on. It was, "Oh! it's Henry Janner's sheep." This sheep picture made under so many difficulties was finally traded for a pair of antlers worth $10.00. I was happy to trade it for anything. [[strike-through]] he can. [[/strike-through]] Everything but, pictures had a certain market value. I could have sold the antlers for five dollars. I doubt [[strike-through]] if [[/strike-through]] whether I could have the picture. [[strike-through]] It regularly. [[/strike-through]] I should have refused to sell the picture for that sum but, after having traded it I should have been glad to sell the object, which I had acquired by trade for five dollars. [[Strike-through]] I had send the depressed feeling of selling a picture for 10% of what it had actually cost me. [[/strike-through]]

Whenever I did however sell a picture, I always felt rather like a criminal. I must have cheated, for if they had seen that picture as I did with all its faults continually staring at me, they certainly would not have bought it. I however tried to sell them, but with little success. I was sending black & white drawings every month or so, to New York publishers. As fast as they would be returned with thanks by one, they were off to another. Very few stayed hot. I remember the