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[[image: drawing of a "NASM" flag]]


such a pace - So I took my handkerchief out of my pocket to wipe my face - and the while I touched my forehead I saw the whole road laid out before me from beginning to end. I had but to shut out from view what was before my eyes to see that which was not, and to see what was in my mind. [[/strikethrough]] I saw mother at home making pies

As [[strikethrough]] I walked the path was above which I seemed to be going down hill [[/strikethrough]] and the light became more like daylight & not so much like an electric light in fact I soon began to notice that there were many curious plants & trees growing in the field nearby it seemed to be summer the breezes were balmy, but I saw no living soul - My legs were all the time keeping up a great pace and as I saw a high fence in front of me crossing its path down which