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The Children Paradise   
[[strikethrough]] — In Child Land — [[/strikethrough]]

— Toy Land —

yes I am have just [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] back, and what a fine time I have had. How did I get there

2. SO [[strikethrough]] Well it was Thanksgiving [[/strikethrough]] afternoon,
I was pressing my face against the window and a few flecks of [[strikethrough]] Snow [[/strikethrough]] snow in the air was making me think about the fine time I might now have When I heard a buzzing sound somewhat like a threshing machine a long way off [[strikethrough]] there [[/strikethrough]] then it sounded like a small sawmill - but all the while the noise grew louder every one rushed to the window & there we saw an aeroplane I had never seen one but I knew it at once, as it was just like the one given me by Uncle last Xmas - only of course very much larger I was not long in getting astride & what was my surprise to see that it had landed, had he fallen or did he come down of his own will - In a minute I was along side & so was Ma & Pa Uncle & and Aunt [[?]] - Was it one of the [[?]] was it Glen [[?]] or who I dont know I saw he was not hurt neither was the machine but how had he gotten down without hitting some of the trees surrounding out lot I dont know but there he was & unhurt [[strikethrough]] & smiling [[/strikethrough]] - but never paying the least attention to any of us. I did not seem quite polite - as he was in our field - but work I did finally he said Well! now I am ready - get in  & up I hopped to a seat behind him. Nobody seemed suprised - to see me get in, and I was not suprised myself - he had such a nice face so much like fathers that - but now that sawmill noise commenced only a hundred times louder that when I had heard it at the house & before you could say Jack Robinson I was up over our house with all the folks waving their hands & throwing kisses after me now we crossed the river near our house.

When I got time to look at him he was looking at me & smiling and said It looks as if we are going to have an especially fine trip - Yes it does look so - You see before he spoke I knew where we were going it seemed I had known him all my life I knew all about him & he knew all about me.

It may seem strange to you with the sawmill noise, that you could hear anything - but I could hear everything just as perfectly as if there had been no noise at all and stranger still I could see every once & a while when I brushed off the snow on my face the place we were going to although it must have been hundred of miles away I brushed the snow of my face not that there was much on my face only a few flakes - but is seemed as of     

Transcription Notes:
In number 2., I believe the word "flakes" to be "flecks".