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Aim of the Work

The utilization of vacant lands around Hospital & Base Depots - by the employment of the labor of convalescent patients - anothers - for the raising of potatoes for the American Army and the planting of ornamental beds around Hospitals with garden vegetables.

The extent of unused hands around Hospitals are usually quite large, and vacant lands in the vicinity could be leased where it was found possible to use them.

Light occupation for convalescent patients before being sent back to active service - especially for those who cannot like the French & English be sent to their homes for convalescence - would be found most helpful, especially in their morale.

The amount of manure that would be available from the Artillery & Transport divisions would be large & greatly increase the yield.

What is hoped to be accomplished is not only the raising of a very large quantity of potatoes but also the furnishing of no small amount of general garden vegetables to the different Hospitals from the ornamental beds surrounding them, thus not only giving the grounds the requisite restful & artistic appearance, but at the same time aiding in the larger and it may be more important question of food supply for this what is needed is a knowledge of the plants employed, and the artistic raining to use this knowledge. - and it is the knowledge & training I wish to place at your disposal. 

Would it be any real help. Yes! - for while the potatoe does not hold with us the same all important place it does in Germany it is a very necessary article.