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As clerk in our Book Concern for years, Miss TANNER's usefulness will be recalled by many of our preachers and older patrons.  As Sunday school and church worker her testimonials will be many, both in this city and elswhere, where her lot has been cast in connectin with that of her "Pastor-husband".  In evidence of the mental as well as moral calibre of the deceased, her creditable course as a medical student in [[strikethrough]]Phida[[/strikethrough]] Philadelphia, her splendid victory for herself and race before the medical Board of Alabama, the recipient of the first physician's certificate ever granted a woman in that state, her career as Resident Physician at TUSKEGKEE, her professional services at MONTGOMERY, as well as her solicitous interest and labors in her husband's work may be recalled by multitudes in various sections.

Mrs. Johnson leaves an interesting domestic circle to mourn her loss.  Her life was a beautiful and useful one, and will be emulated by the promising daughter who survives and the younger aspiring thousands of her sex besides."

My father was born June the 21st 1859. at Pittsburgh Pa:, Pittsburgh has always been very dear to my father.

Bishop BENJAMIN TUCKER TANNER often use to say: a Pittsburger of three generations; and my father once at a dinner mentioned that he was a Pittsburger of four [[strikethrough]]garations[[/strikethrough]] generations.

My father had to put up with considerable race predjudice and though his father the Bishop was very well considered in the street where he lived,  [[strikethrough]]but[[/strikethrough]] my father an exidingly sensitive person, was depressed with the personal affronts he and his family endured.

Here his one incident in my father own words. "My father being a methodist minister we were here to day and gone to morrow.

A year old, found my father and mother living at Alexandria V a.; which means that my father had charge[[strikethrough]]d[[/strikethrough]] of a church in Washington D.C. & to find cheap