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Dearest Flora -

Although I think it was fully time for you to write me, still I was most awfully glad to hear from you. I had begun to think that Marcia's prediction about a false friend with dark hair had formulated in you! You sound in your better, as though you thought me in a state of developing my soul or something - quite the contrary - my soul is wilfully being allowed to deteriorate in favour of my more substantial qualities - in other words I have neither read nor written, and what little art I have pursued has been purely & objectionally mercenary - as you see, I am still in Middleburg and hope to be until the 1st of September - where, then or thereafter, the lord alone knows - I seem to be very much at loose ends, & have decided to try my hardest to get abroad for the winter, as there seems to be nothing in particular to keep me away & I might be of some use